Sunday, September 28, 2008

Druid PVP Macros

Super Innervate

#showtooltip Innervate/cast [target=player] Innervate/stopcasting/use Bangle of Endless Blessings/equip

Totem Killer

#showtooltip Moonfire/target Poison Clean/target Mana Spring/target Tremor Totem/target Wrath of Air Totem/target Windfury Totem/target Mana Tide Totem/target Grounding Totem/cast Moonfire(Rank 1)

Innervate Self and Protect

#showtooltip/castsequence reset=30 [target=player] Innervate, Thorns(Rank 1), Mark of the Wild(Rank 1), Rejuvenation(Rank 1)

All Terrain Travel Forms

/stopmacro [stance:5, flyable]/stopmacro [stance:2, swimming]/stopmacro [stance:4, noflyable]/stopmacro [stance:4, combat]/cancelform/cast [flyable, nocombat, noswimming] Flight Form/cast [noswimming] Travel Form/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form

Cyclone Focus

#showtooltip Cyclone/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Cyclone; Cyclone

Druid Buffs

/castsequence reset=2/target [nomodifier] Mark of the Wild,Thorns /castsequence reset=2/target Mark of the Wild(Rank 1),Thorns(Rank 1)


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Boot Danger's WoW Tips and Tricks