Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fishing Changes in 3.10 - Easier

If you havn't been following all the 3.1 patch information, which is a ton, you probably havn't heard about the new fishing changes.

The skill requirements are being removed, and in short you can now fish anywhere in world of warcraft.

WOAH NO WAY! Well hold your horses!

Although you can now fish anywhere, you will not be able to catch the good fish very often unless you have a higher skill level. To actually catch the fish regularly you still need about the same skill as before.

Another cool thing is that you will no longer get the "Your fish got away" message, instead, you will just catch tons of junk. This junk isn't completely junk though, as you can still level up your fishing anywhere in the world.



Boot Danger's WoW Tips and Tricks