Thursday, July 30, 2009

Awesome WoW Farming Spot, 600g + Per HOUR

Recently I have come across a pretty good farming spot in Icecrown. The Location is

Icecrown Glacier, Icecrown
It is on the western side next to Yhirem.

The Mob you are killing will be 'Converted Heroes' , They also count towards the argent dailys.

An average mob drops,
Each mob drops the following
6-34 silver
0-4 Frostweave(0-7 if you are a tailor)

Each group drops the following
3-5 gold
1 green
0-12 frostweave

Per hour you should get this
120g in silver
13 Stacks of Frostweave= 91g
12 greens= 30dust/10greater cosmics= 250g
80g in greys
Maybe 1 book of glyph mastery( About a 20% chance)= 100g
That is 641G in a measly 1 hour of farming

This is also a great spot for Epics to drop, I have had two drop in one day before in about a 5 hour farming period.


WoW Accounts said...

This is quite a nice concise posting. However WoW fans are increasing day by day.

WoW farmen said...

Rly interesting I'm on my way to the spot :D


Boot Danger's WoW Tips and Tricks