Monday, November 23, 2009

Pilgrim's Bounty Guide -Thanksgiving festival

Quote from Blizzard staff

We invite you to celebrate Pilgrim's Bounty with us. It's a time for reflecting on your journeys and good fortune, sharing plentiful food, and stories with friends.

You can partake in wonderful Pilgrim's Bounty feasts near major towns by sitting at a Bountiful Table and enjoying the foods you find there.

If you're interested in learning the Pilgrim's Bounty's recipes, speak with an NPC outside any major city. Stuffing and potatoes are easy enough to put in front of a fire, but if you want to cook a turkey, you'll need to catch one first. Unsling your trusty Turkey Shooter and prepare for the hunt.

Type: Seasonal Holiday
Date: November 22 - 28
Major Cities (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom Only): Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, Orgrimmar, Undercity, Silvermoon City, and Thunderbluff
Minor Towns: Goldshire, Kharanos, Dolanaar, Azure Watch, Razor HIll, Bloodhoof Village, Brill, Tranquilien, Ruins of Thaurissan, Shadowprey Village, Falconwing Square, Stonard, Hammerfall, Revantusk Village, Light's Hope Chapel, Wildhammer Keep, Chilwind Camp, Southshore, Tarren Mill, Sepulcher

Bountiful Tables
Bountiful Tables are the centerpiece of the Pilgrim's Bounty celebration. They are tables loaded with food and surrounded by interactive chairs that allow you to eat and share food with other players via the action bar.

A Bountiful Table is laid out with five different Pilgrim's Bounty foods, one in front of each chair. Each chair has an unlimited supply of one food, and they are conveniently labeled: The Sweet Potato Chair, The Turkey Chair, The Stuffing Chair, The Cranberry Chair, and The Pie Chair. While in a chair, you may eat as much of that food as you like, as well as pass servings of that food to other players sitting in the chairs. Share the bountiful feasts with your friends!

If you eat five helpings of any single food, you'll gain benefits unique to that food. In addition, if you eat five helpings of every food, you'll gain the Spirit of Sharing which lasts one hour and increases reputation gained by 10%. This is accomplished much faster if you work together with your fellow feasters at passing food to one another


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