Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Farm Capture Firefly Pet 4.1

So you've decided to hunt for the mysterious Captured Firefly from Zangramarsh huh? Well let me first start by wishing you goodluck!

There is no easy trick, but there are a few tips that will make your hunt easier and more enjoyable.

First thing to do is to get a rythm, going from east to west at the top of zangramarsh seems to be the easiest way to kill the most Firefly, to gain the Captured Firefly non combat pet .

Here is a script that will count how many you have killed per session, but remeber it only works if you keep the carapaces and legs in your bag.

/script local count = GetItemCount(25434)
local count2 = GetItemCount(25436)
print("Needlers Killed: " .. (count + count2))

***ALSO, if you are a tank, you can get the pet from the " Satchel of Exotic Mysteries" when Q'ing for dungeons as a tank.

Good luck and have fun, may you capture the firefly soon!



Boot Danger's WoW Tips and Tricks