Create three different Healthstones in one macro. Left click = Master Healthstone (2080). Right click = Major Healthstone (1200). Shift click = Soulwell.
/cast [modifier:shift] Ritual of souls
/cast [button:1] Create Healthstone
/cast [button:2] Create Healthstone(Rank 5)
Amplified Curse of Exhaustion
Will attempt to use Amplify curse before casting Curse of Exhaustion.
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse of Exhaustion
Arena Buffing Macro
To buff yourself spam the button 4 times. To buff other players target them and press the ctrl key and spam the same button.
/castsequence reset=5/target [nomodifier, target=player] Fel Armor,Detect Invisibility, Unending Breath, Soul Link
/castsequence reset=5/target [modifier:ctrl] Detect Invisibility, Unending Breath
Fear mouseover target
Fear the target you have your mouse over. If you do not have a mouseover target it will fear your target.
#Showtooltip Fear
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Fear; Fear
Chain Fear Focus Target
If you do not have a focus target it will set your mouseover as focus target. It will fear your focus target. You can clear your focus target by "ctrl" clicking the macro or if you target dies.
#Showtooltip Fear
/focus [target=focus, noexists][target=focus, dead] mouseover
/cast [target=focus] Fear
/clearfocus [modifier:ctrl]
Spammable Drain
This will check if you're currently casting Drain Life, and if you are... it will not cast it again, if you aren't it will cast it. Mana Efficiency! You can replace 'Drain Life' with any other channeled spell for the same effect.
/cast [nochanneling: Drain Life] Drain Life
Devour Magic
Devours magic on yourself if the macro is pressed. If shift is used during when the macro is pressed it will devour magic on your target.
#showtooltip Devour Magic
/cast [modifier:shift, pet:Felhunter] Devour Magic; [pet:Felhunter, target=player] Devour Magic
Spell Lock/Intercept Focus Macro
Spell lock's focus target if you have a Felhunter out. Intercepts focus if Felguard is out. If you have no focus target, it will simply Spell Lock/Intercept your target.
/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead, pet:felguard] Intercept; Intercept
/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead, pet:felhunter] Spell Lock; Spell Lock
Curse of Tongues on Focus
Casts Curse of Tongues on your Focus target without losing your current target.
/cast [target=focus] Curse of Tongues
Use Spellstone/Reequip Wand
This will use your Spellstone and Re-equip your wand.
/use Spellstone/equip
Totem Stomping
Tells your pet to go attack totems, the most important totems go at the end of the list.
/petattack [target=Healing Stream Totem]
/petattack [target=Windfury Totem]
/petattack [target=Mana]
/petattack [target=Tremor Totem]/petattack [target=Grounding Totem]
Tells your pet to go attack totems, the most important totems go at the end of the list.
Taken from
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