Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Resto Shaman PvE Guide 4.1 - 4.2

Edited by Secretgarden on 5/7/11 12:14 PM (PDT) Section 1: Talents and Glyphs

I'll be listing talents as either Required or Optional. Take the word at base value. Rather than giving a complete talent guide, I'm going to quickly give you all of the required talents with quick explainations and then spend time on the "controversial" ones. Now, before you even put in your first talent point, you get these:

Earth Shield
Detailed below with the spell section.

Increases healing done and makes HW/GHW faster.

Standard 50% mana regen from Spirit talent.

More on this fun thing in Stats.

Required Talents:

Restoration Talents: Tier One

Tidal Focus
Flat efficiency increase.

Spark of Life
Flat healing increase, stacks on yourself for a 21.9% boost.

Tier Two

Improved Water Shield
Crits with HW, GHW, and RT give back mana equal to a WS orb. 60% chance with HS, 30% chance with CH.

Totemic Focus
Makes Mana Tide last longer. This is the only reason we bother with it.

Tier Three

Ancestral Healing
When you crit with a spell, the target gets a buff for 15 seconds that cuts physical damage taken by 10%.

Nature's Swiftness
Two minute cooldown that makes one spell instant. Primarily used with GHW or CH when someone screws up and takes damage too fast.

Nature's Blessing
Increases healing on the tank (who has ES) by 15%.

Works with everything except ES itself, ELW, and HR.

Tier Four

Soothing Rains
Increases healing done by HST and HR massively.

Improved Cleanse Spirit
Lets you dispel magic effects - which are everywhere, by the way.

Tier Five

Ancestral Awakening
When you crit with HW, GHW, HS, or the Riptide initial hit, someone is healed for an additional 30% of that heal, which will be the lowest percentage health group/raid member.

Mana Tide Totem
3 minute cooldown, increases spirit regen dramatically for 16.8 seconds talented. This no longer applies to dynamic spirit buffs such as on-use or random proc trinkets.

Spirit Link Totem
Discussed in the spell section.

Tier Six

Tidal Waves
Guaranteed buff off RT and CH casts - makes HW/GHW faster and HS more likely to crit. Two charges per proc. This is our version of Chakra and Beacon of Light, for those of you who play other healing classes - it makes our spells interact with each other and brings several mechanics together.

Blessing of the Eternals
When below 35%, ELW always procs except from Chain Heal and Healing Rain.

Tier Seven = Riptide
Detailed in the spell section.

Elemental Talents Tier One - Acuity
Flat crit increase. Yum. Will likely be phased out in later gear levels.

Enhancement Talents Tier One

Elemental Weapons
Increases passive healing done by ELW and ups the healing increase from UE from 20% to 30%. It's more static spell power and small efficiency than anything.

Improved Shields
Makes WS orbs count for more mana (IWS, anyone?) and makes Earth Shield tick harder.

Tier Two - Ancestral Swiftness

This makes you run faster, replacing the run speed buff on your shoes, and makes Ghost Wolf instant. More mobility means more versatility to boss mechanics and less time spend moving means more time healing

Optional Talents:

Restoration Talents

Ancestral Resolve
10% damage taken reduced while casting. I'd recommend Cleansing Waters for a dungeon spec and this for a raid spec.

Cleansing Waters
Reduces the cost of Cleanse Spirit by 40% and includes a heal when you dispel something. Roughly heals for the same as Riptide's initial heal, but with a 6s ICD.

This talent used to be awesome for entering 5-mans when dispelling sucked all of your mana. Now that the heal is on a huge ICD, however, its usefulness is greatly diminished. Damn PvP nerfs. =\

Telluric Currents
Restores 40% of the damage done by Lightning Bolt as mana when it damages a target.

It is a mana return, and this is a valid place to put points. This is a very good talent on fights when you're standing around doing nothing or when there's a burn phase/weakened phase and your DPS is useful, or if you burn mana on inefficient heals and use this to regen during downtime. If you're not going to use the talent, then don't take it. Simple.


Prime - Earth Shield and Water Shield

ES glyph makes it heal better. WS glyph gives more mana, which is your lifeline for now.

Riptide or ELW?

Riptide glyph makes the spell more efficient and it lets it sit on 3 group members at a time. By increasing the duration, the healing done by a single Riptide, without any crits, rises to the amount of a GHW. The glyph for ELW is suited towards raid healing when you have ELW bouncing on everyone and the last ticks of Riptide are usually overheal.

Major - Chain Heal and HST

Chain Heal is no longer a one-hit wonder: that spell needs to bounce repeatedly for it to be effective and this glyph, provided the heal bounces like it should, is worth the 10% initial cut.

HST glyph makes the resistance totem useless and gives incentive to use it over Mana Stream - HST is far too efficient to not use even without Might to replace the lost Mp5.

SCT, Hex, or Healing Wave Glyph?

Hex has a fairly long cool-down and a chance to randomly break - when you're CC'ing, Hex is a fairly good glyph choice. However, Stoneclaw Totem's shield on you absorbs roughly one GHW worth of damage and even with the cost to replace the previous totem factored is twice as efficient. This will also scale up with gear. Then, Healing Wave glyph will heal you for half of a HW every time you heal someone else with HW - essentially you get 20% more out of the spell, assuming your personal heal isn't overhealing.

SCT or HW is mostly personal choice and style - whether or not to take Hex depends on how much you're CC'ing.

Minor Glyphs are choice mandated - None of these have impact performance or play style.

Talent Specs

Resto specs are dynamically amendable and are not cookie cutter unless that is your choice. You're going to be healing in different roles at different times, and certain talents are better for different roles.

However, after the nerf to Cleansing Waters, there is only one choice – TC or no TC?

The glyph choices are highlighted above and completely depend upon what situation you use them in. Mandatory ones are strongly recommended at the present time.

No TC:


There is another spec with TC that invests in Elemental Precision at the cost of Enhancement tree synergetic talents, but the spec requires a huge investment in Spirit to make 2/3 EP function and it exists purely as a raid spec for those who will swear up and down by TC, so therefore its merits are best discussed next door.

Edited by Secretgarden on 5/7/11 12:30 PM (PDT) Section 2 - Stat Priority and Gearing

Wearing only mail gear gives you a 5% intellect bonus. Never use anything other than mail.

Intellect - Primary stat. It increases your mana pool and spell power, and it gives mp5 through replenishment. Prioritize this with gemming, profession perks, and enchants. Primary stats are static on gear so you can't really "gear int" per-se, except with trinkets.

Spirit - Spirit is a base mana restore mechanic that returns mana regardless of action taken by the player (Passive). Spirit is free mana that you can and will gear for – generally, you need as much as you can get on gear.

Critical Strike - Critical Strikes increase the efficiency of your heals by causing them heal for more for free and cause certain effects, such as Ancestral Awakening (30% heal) and IWS (mana return). Compared to Haste and Mastery, this is a significantly less effective HPS stat, but much more efficient and therefore is best used for HPM.

Mastery - As the target takes more damage, our Mastery (Deep Healing) causes the target to take more healing* from us. This stat is not situational in any way: you only heal people who took damage, and this increases your healing on people who have taken damage. As of 4.1, this now affects every heal effect that's in our spell book or talent tree.

Haste - Haste makes spells cast faster and makes HoT effects heal faster. 916 Haste will get you an extra tick with all of your HoT effects (or 780 for Goblins) and is the number to aim for at minimum. Haste is pure throughput and it makes your life generally easier to have faster heals. Waste of stats for dungeons when you need moar spirit and crit but for raids this competes with Mastery depending on the situation.

Dungeon Stat Priority - Int >> Spirit > Crit

Raid Healing Stat Priority - Int >> Spirit > Mastery > Haste

Tank Healing Stat Priority – Int >> Spirit > Mastery > Crit
Note: Because of increased chance to gain mana from IWS, switch out some Spirit for Crit.

For a detailed stat explanation, go to Jynus's guide (in the link list).


For gearing up to get to the ilvl 329 heroic minimum, you should grab whatever PvE gear you can get your hands on that has crit/spirit and then start destroying heroics. I have a BiS list down below that you can shop for in heroics, but once your stats are "okay" to raid, I say go ahead and start picking up purples if you can handle the content.

You can, and should, polish off your gear while you raid.

Fresh 85 - Pre-Heroic:

Stack int and spirit with any crit you can get. You have no room in your ilvl budget for anything else.

Generally, ilvl trumps itemization unless it's something silly like mastery/haste. You want Crit/Spirit secondary stats above anything else, but going from something like ilvl 316 crit/spirit to ilvl 333 crit/haste is perfectly acceptable. Bigger ilvl = more int.

Heroic Time:

Your goal is to gear for raiding. You want to start shaving off crit for ilvl 346 pieces with haste or mastery, because those are your stats for raiding.

You want a haste number of no less than 916 (or 780 for Goblins) so that all of your HoT spells (and Healing Rain) get a bonus tick. Then start mobbing on mastery or haste, depending on your choice.

Raiding Gear:

Your stat balance doesn't change. Just get more of what you already have.

To summarize:

Gearing to get into heroics: Stack int/crit/spirit.

Gearing to get into raids: Stack int/spirit, get 916 (780 Goblin) haste, 2k spirit or more, and pick a stack stat.

Gearing when in raids: Stack int, get more of everything. Pick a stat to stack to prioritize and reforge everything else. (Courtesy of Paf <3)

Section 3 - Pre-Raid BiS List

[V] - JP Vendor
[H] - Heroic Dungeon
[C] - Crafted
[R] - Rep

I will list items with both Mastery and Haste - if you only want Haste, stick to Haste/Spirit pieces and reforge anything else to Haste, but if you want Mastery, you have to mix and match a bit to stay around the 916 haste mark. Therefore, reforging and gemming will be an individual call and I cannot say exactly what to do - you have to figure it out yourself.

In addition, because it's impossible to make a set with purely spirit/stat x with some haste tossed in, you're going to have to take some of another stat sooner or later, which is actually good considering how well our secondary stats interact and the bonuses we receive from properly balancing them.

All gear choices are designed with the intent to maximize your amount of spirit and your secondary stat of choice. At this point, due to the minor ilvl budget increase between 346 and 359, a 346 piece with mastery/haste and spirit will out-do an epic piece with crit and no spirit. This would include every non-raid epic currently in the game. They're nice for band-aid pieces but if you want to min-max, go back to heroics and pick up optimized blue pieces.

[C] Energized Bio-Optic Killshades - Requires Engineering (525)
[H] Cowl of the Unseen World - The Stonecore, High Priestess Azil

[R] Lightning Flash Pendant - Wildhammer Clan Exalted
[H] Quicksilver Amulet - Blackrock Caverns, Karsh Steelbender

[H] Burden of Lost Humanity - Shadowfang Keep, Lord Walden
[V] Seafoam Mantle - 1650 JP
Note that the Burden slightly edges out the Mantle by 20 points.
[H] Fallen Snow Shoulderguards - Vortex Pinnacle, Grand Vizier Ertan

[H] Solar Wind Cloak - Halls of Origination, Rajh

[H] Chromis Chestpiece - Throne of the Tides, Commander Ulthok
[C] Twilight Scale Chestguard - Leatherworking
[H] Breastplate of the Stilled Heart - Shadowfang Keep, Commander Springvale

[H] Shackles of the Betrayed - Deadmines, Vanessa VanCleef

[H] Old Friend's Gloves - Deadmines, Helix Gearbreaker
[V] Gleaning Gloves 1650 JP

[C] Stormleather Sash - Leatherworking
[H] Belt of the Still Stream - 1650 JP
[R] Sash of Prophecy - Ramkahen Revered

[R] Wilderness Legguards - Guardians of Hyjal Revered
[H] Chaotic Wrappings - Halls of Origination, Setesh

[H] Dark Iron Chain Boots - Grim Batol, Forgemaster Throngus
[R] Earthmender's Boots - Earthen Ring Exalted

[H] Kibble - Blackrock Caverns, Beauty
[H] Veneficial Band - Lost City of the Tol'vir, Lockmaw
[R] Diamant's Ring of Temperance - Therazane Revered
[H] Rose Quartz Band - The Stonecore, Slabhide

Trinkets: In order of desirability.
[C] Darkmoon Card: Tsunami - Tsunami Deck, Inscriptor-Made
[C] Vibrant Alchemist Stone - Alchemy
[C] Tyrande's Favorite Doll - Archaeology
[H] Tear of Blood - The Stonecore, High Priestess Azil
[H] Witching Hourglass - Blackrock Caverns, Ascendant Lord Obsidius

[H] Torturer's Mercy - Blackrock Caverns, Rom'ogg Bonecrusher
[H] Scepter of Power - Halls of Origination, Setesh

[C] Elementium Stormshield - Blacksmith

[H] Captured Lightning - Vortex Pinnacle, Asaad

Section 4 - Gems, Enchants, Trinkets


You have options with gems now - it isn't just brainlessly zerging your primary stat. Your gem choices depend on your stat priorities. Good socket bonuses ought to be gemmed for now. What constitutes as a good bonus? Just about anything with an Intellect or Spirit bonus of at least 10 or a bonus for your stack stat of at least 20. This means more hybrid gems. You need two yellows to activate your Meta.

Meta: Ember Shadowspirit Diamond

Red - Intellect: Brilliant Inferno Ruby

Yellow - Crit: Potent Ember Topaz
Yellow - Mastery: Artful Ember Topaz
Yellow - Haste: Reckless Ember Topaz

Purple - Int/Spirit: Purified Demonseye


Head - Int/Crit: Arcanum of Hyjal

Shoulder - Int/Haste: Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone

Cloak - Intellect: Enchant Cloak - Intellect
Upgraded: Enchant Cloak - Greater Intellect

Chest - Stats: Enchant Chest - Mighty Stats
Upgraded: Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats

Bracers - Spirit: Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Spirit

Bracers - Haste: Enchant Bracer - Speed
Upgraded: Enchant Bracer - Greater Speed

Bracers - Intellect Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect

Gloves - Haste: Enchant Gloves - Haste

Gloves - Mastery: Enchant Gloves - Mastery
Upgraded: Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery

Belt - Socket: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle

Legs - Int/Spirit: Ghostly Spellthread
Upgraded: : Powerful Ghostly Spellthread

Boots - Mastery: Enchant Boots - Mastery

Boots - Haste: Enchant Boots - Haste

OH - Intellect: Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect

Weapon - Heartsong: Enchant Weapon - Heartsong
Upgraded - Power Torrent: Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent

I present multiple stat options for your enchants on purpose - it's up to you, based on your current raiding situation, to decide how to balance your stats based on what secondary stat after spirit you want the most. The only option above I would currently list as mandatory would be Spirit on bracers and to have at least something on everything.


If you're short of a breakpoint, you can swap in Haste to bridge the gap if you're stacking Crit or Mastery and want to stay as close to the 916 point as possible. Generally the procedure will be:

20 Haste - 1 Gem
40 Haste - 2 Gems
50 Haste - 1 Enchant
60 Haste - 3 Gems
65 Haste - 1 Upg. Enchant
70 Haste - 1 Gem, 1 Enchant
80 Haste - 4 Gems
85 Haste - 1 Gem, 1 Upg. Enchant
90 Haste - 2 Gems, 1 Enchant
100 Haste - 5 Gems or 2 Enchants

For the sake of maintaining the highest enchant stat gain - if you want Mastery, switch your Bracer enchant. If you want Crit, switch your Boot enchant.


I was overwhelmed at first by all the trinkets out there. The key is recognizing which ones are actually good - unless it's an interesting effect like Shard of Woe, generally trinkets with passive intellect and a spirit proc or stacking buff will be the most useful. Early on, however, your main priority will just be getting a setup that works, so generally min/maxing goes out the window.

Pre-Heroic: In order of desirability

Tear of Blood - The Stonecore, High Priestess Azil
Blood of Isiset - Halls of Origination, Isiset
Rainsong - Vortex Pinnacle Zone Drop(BoE)
Talisman of Sinister Order - Quest Reward, Firing Squad (Uldum)

As long as you have either Tear of Blood or Blood of Isiset and one other trinket, you'll be fine. The last two listed are the only decent non-spirit trinkets I can find, and even then they're thoroughly "meh".


Figurine - Dream Owl - JC Only
Tear of Blood - The Stonecore, High Priestess Azil

Spirit trinkets aren't as powerful as they were before the MTT change, but they still yield sizable mana regeneration for their uptime.

Witching Hourglass - Blackrock Caverns, Ascendant Lord Obsidius
Gale of Shadows - Grim Batol, Erudax

The hourglass is pretty much the only viable throughput trinket out there at the moment. The Gale isn't terrific as a pure throughput trinket, primarily serving as a band-aid if you're significantly behind the 916 haste breakthrough and need something to catch up.

Raid Level: Courtesy of Remiri - Blade's Edge

The raid trinkets work odd. If you have the cash to sink into it, you can get both of your BiS trinkets before you even hit 85.

Darkmoon Card: Tsunami - Tsunami Deck, Darkmoon Cards (Inscriptor-made)
Special note: spirit buff currently works with MTT.

Vibrant Alchemist Stone - Alchemy

If you don't want to switch your professions around for the Stone, then you can sink some time into Archaeology and pick up:

Tyrande's Favorite Doll - Archaeology, Night Elven Find

After that comes your two trinkets that you actually invest raid time into but rank at the bottom:

Fall of Mortality - Bastion of Twilight, Cho'gall
Core of Ripeness - 1650 Valor Badges.

I left off the JAR (Jar of Ancient Remedies) very pointedly. For an explanation, go here:

Section 5 - Professions and Consumables

I ripped much of this from Reesi's thread because I liked the formatting, most of the information was right there, and most importantly I have no shame. At least I gave my source!

Note: The "pick a stat" items only choose primary stats. In that regard, Spirit is not considered and so those items will always give Intellect. Which you want, because Int > Spirit anyway.


Mixology - Increases the effectiveness of Flasks and Elixirs. You need to know the recipe.

Flask of Enhancement - This is used as a way for Alchemists to always keep their profession bonuses when not raid flasked.
Flask of the Draconic Mind - 80 Bonus Intellect
Ghost Elixir - 40 Bonus Spirit
Flask of Battle - 80 Bonus Intellect

Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves - 80 Bonus Intellect

x2 [Enchant Ring - Intellect] -80 Bonus Intellect

Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades - Equal to tier 11, depending on stats.

Fractured Cogwheel
Quick Cogwheel
Smooth Cogwheel
Sparkling Cogwheel

So long as Spirit is always used as a Cogwheel, you can pair it with any of your choosing. Go by your gearing choices.

Synapse Springs - These find your highest attribute (Intellect) and increase it by 480. Used on CD, it's roughly equal to the other 80 stat bonuses.

Lifeblood - On-use Haste rating with a small heal. It's at least something for choosing a gathering stat.

Felfire Inscription - 80 Bonus Intellect

Chimera's Eyes once again provide the strongest bonuses for stats.

3x Brilliant Chimera's Eye - 81 Bonus Intellect

Draconic Embossment - Intellect - 80 Bonus Intellect.

Toughness - 120 Bonus Stamina

Master of Anatomy - 80 Bonus Critical Strike Rating

Tailoring is ... iffy. The intellect proc is technically superior to other profession enchants, but the problem is that its a random proc with a 45s ICD, so it may proc when its useful or useless.

Lightweave Embroidery - 580 Intellect for 15s, 45s ICD.


Food Buffs

Seafood Magnifique Feast - Standard raid food, assuming your guild fisherpeople aren't lazy.
Fortune Cookie - If feasts are unavailable, this is the number one choice.
Severed Sagefish Head - If your scribes are lazy too, then use this one.

Flasks and Elixirs

Flask of the Draconic Mind - The best flask option for any healer. Default choice.
Flask of Flowing Water - If you're utterly desperate for more Spirit, use this one.
Flask of Battle - Gives Intellect - there's no way to rig it for Spirit.


There's only two options for potions.

Potion of Concentration - If you can manage the full 10 seconds, you get more mana than the Mythical.
Mythical Mana Potion - The alternative.

Section 7 - Principles of Healing

Healing Wave - Slow, super efficient, heals for little.

Greater Healing Wave - Slow, efficient, heals for a lot.

Healing Surge - Fast, inefficient, heals for slightly less than GHW.

Chain Heal - Slow, efficient with multiple bounces, heals total for around the same as a GHW.

Riptide - Instant, super efficient heal. Initial heal is around the same as a healing wave with a HoT component - when glyphed, heals for more than a GHW. Procs Tidal Waves on use and when followed up with a Chain Heal will give a 30% boost.

Healing Rain - After a short cast, puts down a circle where targets standing within the circle are continually healed over 10 seconds. Super efficient on 5+ people for the full duration.

Healing Stream Totem - Water Totem. When placed down, provides a small, ongoing HoT to party members within range and resistances to group/raid members.

Earth Shield - Places a shield on the target that heals the target whenever it takes damage. Causes the target to take 15% increased healing from you while active. 9 charges.

Water Shield - Places a shield on yourself that provides a steady source of mana regeneration while giving mana back whenever you take damage or when Improved WS is procced.

Unleash Elements (Earthliving) - Heals the target instantly for a small amount and leaves you with a short buff upping your next heal by 30%. Does not affect HR.

Spiritwalker's Grace - Lets you cast while moving for 15 seconds. Use it in emergencies.

Spirit Link Totem - Reduces damage taken by those within its radius by 10% and every second readjusts the health percentages of players in its range to be equal. Note that it drops at your feet.


Never panic when healing. Stay calm.

Keep Earth Shield on the tank.
Keep Water Shield on yourself.
Always have your totems placed.

If you use a temporary totem put your long-term totem back afterwards.

Triage - meaning if someone is about to die, don't waste time topping up the random person who took a tick of damage from Fire and heal the player about to die. Burn mana on HS if you have to. However, once everyone is over the threshold that they need to be to survive, use your efficient heals.

Party members are responsible for their own health pools. The occasional screw-up is going to happen for everyone, but if you end up carrying people, you need to correct that.

Don't let people tell you it's your fault if it's not. Avoidable damage is not your problem.

Basic techniques:

If you have the opportunity to dispel something nasty off someone and someone won't die in that GCD, do so.

Don't stress healing someone up to full - HST or any number of procs might heal them to full.

Try your best to not waste mana by refreshing Riptide on a target that has it - Riptide someone else and use TW.

Use UE on cool-down with GHW or CH if you won't waste any of the heal.

Keep an idea of how much Mana Tide will regenerate for you over its duration and aim to use it in two situations: when you've lost that much mana and aren't doing much, or will spend that much mana over its duration and never cap your mana during it.

Use HW whenever you can get away with it. It's basically free healing.

GHW is a massive heal - you can heal a lot at once with it, but the mana cost is higher at the same time. Preferably, use it with TW to speed it up.

HS is a fast heal for emergencies. Only use it when the .3 or so seconds that you save instead of using GHW is the difference between life or death for someone, or it's wasted.

If you need to move but the group/tank is taking a lot of damage, use SWG and keep healing.

Spirit Link Totem:

Use SLT to reduce damage taken overall and equalize health so you can use AoE heals to top everyone off. It also serves to split burst damage between all players in its radius after the spell hits that player, which means people can still die under SLT if they can't survive the initial hit.

Tank Healing:

Never over-ride ES, but refresh it immediately when it falls off unless the tank is going to die without a heal. Then refresh it afterward.

Always maintain a Riptide buff on the tank.
Keep Ancestral Healing buffed on the tank.

Try to stick with HW, only using GHW when the tank is taking damage too quickly to stay alive with HW. Either way, use Riptide on cooldown for the haste buffs to both spells.

Group Healing:

It is always more efficient to dispel a dot instead of healing through it.

HR and CH only work when people group together. Nail it in the group's head that they group together when you're AoE healing or they die.

Section 8 - FAQ, LFAQ, and Misc. Info

F.A.Q: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does my CC break randomly?
A: "Heartbeat Resists" check your hit rating every three seconds or so for breaks. As we're healers, we have no hit rating, so every three seconds we have a ~6% chance that our CC randomly breaks. Don't CC if you can avoid it.

Q: Why do Elitist Jerks and this forum disagree with the stat priorities?
A: It's a very long story that because of a character limit on posts, I can't fit in its entirety here. The dirty laundry is over in Jynus's thread somewhere, I believe. Either way, Jynus has finally gotten in there so hopefully they will soon hear the good word of Mastery.

Q: I can't keep up with all the damage! /le sob
A: /tissue
Alright, you need to ask yourself these questions:
Is the tank adequately geared for this instance?
Is the tank doing something wrong, like not using cooldowns properly?
Are the DPS standing in things they're not supposed to or not interrupting?
Is the group using CC when feasible?
Does the group know what to do for the fight?
Are you adequately geared for this instance?
Are you geared correctly?

If the answer to any of those questions is "no" then fix it. If you still have problems, post them.

Q: I manage to keep up with the damage ... until I run OOM.
A: See above.
Now, does WS have less than a 99% uptime?
Are you not stacking Spirit until you bleed it?
Are you using HS/GHW/HR when you could use HW/RT/CH?
Are you using HS, period, when someone wouldn't die otherwise?

If the answer to any of those questions is "yes" then stop it. If you still have problems, post them.

L.F.A.Q: Less Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What addons, if any, should I use?
A: That's determined by what your computer can take. There are many smaller addons with very useful features that I'd reccomend anyone have, and some larger ones that are very useful but aren't totally essential to use and you can get by without.

You can find a list of what I use in Section 9. You can either look at my UI for reference and pick what you like or fish around on your own and find your own goodies.

If you need to cut addon memory, I would stick to Grid, Clique (to dispel), and ShieldsUp. Probably would toss in Skada just because of how wide-range its use is.

Q: What are "mouseovers" and "click to cast" and why does everyone use them?
A: A mouseover is a spell macro that allows you to move your mouse over a raid frame and press the key that the mouseover is bound to and cast the spell. Click to cast means using Clique to click a button on your mouse and cast a spell, sometimes in combination with modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt).

Mouseovers and C2C will for most people dramatically increase your reaction time and for the few that it won't, it very much improves your quality of life and still has a minor improvement to your performance. I for a long time opposed change to mouseovers, but I made the change recently and I'm enjoying it.

Q: How are people managing to break their freeze on Ozruk?
A: When he casts his spell reflect, cast Flame Shock. When he uses Paralyze, your DoT breaks it. Dispel group. Profit.


Elitist Jerks Shaman -
Jynus Raid Guide -
Shaman Macro Archive -

Misc. Macro Listings:

Using this macro, when you press HR repeatedly, it doesn't remove the targeting reticle:
#showtooltip healing rain
/cast !healing rain

Mouseover macro. Substitute GHW for whichever spell you're currently adding.
#showtooltip Greater Healing Wave
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help][target=player] Greater Healing Wave

Taken from SecretGarden Steamweedle



Boot Danger's WoW Tips and Tricks