Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Warhammer Online vs. World of warcraft

Okay, so latly it's kind of boring in this point of WoW.  You probably don't see the point of doing end game and raiding because your gear will be obsolete in the next few months with the expansion coming out so soon.  
   So I was reading up on WAR (WarHammer Online) and I'm going to give my opinion of it.
Okay, so at first I thought well maybe I could play this until WoTLK comes out.  I had heard it wasn't as leveling intensive, but then I found out it took about the same time as WoW, so I scratched that idea.  
   The main focus of WAR online seems to be PVP, as no one has really said much about the end game raiding.  The pvp aspect will probably capture a lot of peoples attention.  There are many different way to PVP in WAR.  Also when you join a battleground or whatever it is called in WAR,  it strengthens you up so you atleast won't get farmed as hard.  That's pretty cool in my opinion if I was pvp focused.

My final decision is to not get WAR because of a few reasons.

1.  There will be tons of bugs for the first few months because it is brand new, and the first few months is all I would play for. 
2.  No PVE endgame raiding.  I do like to pvp, but that's not my main focus, my main focus is getting some of the best gear, VIA raiding.  
3. I would deffinatly get WAR if the leveling wasn't so long, but I have already grinding multiple characters on WOW to 70, and my leveling days are done besides going to 80 in WoTLK.  

My final comment would be, check out the reviews and WAR forums and see if this is the kind of game you would enjoy, to me it seems to much like a guild wars witha lot  longer leveling.  



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