Thursday, October 16, 2008

Easy Ways To Get Gold In WOW 3.0

Since the new patch has come out a few way to make gold have become open. 

As you know inscription has been implimented and everyone and their mom is trying to level it... well what does it use? Herbs.

1. Farm Herbs, I find that sungrass is selling very well, infact 50 gold a stack on my server.  A good place to get it? The Hinterlands is my personal favorite.

2. Vanity Pets.  Everyone is trying to get all the pets they can.  Just last night I ran Deadmines for the achievement and found a pirate bird pet.  Sold it within a hour on the auction house for 50 gold.  Also you can sell the alliance vendor pets on the neutral auction house for horde, or on the normal auction house for about 10-20 gold when they only cost 45 silver.  I have sold tons of these and it's very simple.

Hope these tips help you, and im sure you can find many more



Boot Danger's WoW Tips and Tricks