Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cataclysm Gold Guide - Make a fortune from twinks once Cata hits

I've been twinking/playing the AH for quite a long time, and in my experience, there is no better market to corner in the AH than the twinking economy. Why do you ask? First of all, low item levels means low deposits, so if your stuff doesnt sell first time around, its all good. However, the main reason why its so amazing, is because its the only market where you can FREQUENTLY find INSANE bargains because people frankly dont know what they have.

I cant tell you how many times I've bought Wranglers wristbands of power/stam/monkey for 25s (worth 1kg to the right twink) or 9/9 pathfinder hats for a couple gold. Heck, I got my one and only shadowfang for under 100g and sold for over 5k. It happens all the time when you know what to look for.

When cata hits, 2 major things will change in the world of twinking. First of all, twinking will be coming back in full force. Right now, twinks have to migrate to their brackets home BG in order to get exp off games. (19 & 49 ruin, 29 reckoning, 39 nightfall in the US) With the BG merger in cata, twinks will be able to play with other twinks from every bg, so the numbers will shoot through the roof hence driving prices up. The second major change (where the real $$$ come in) is that they're changing a ton of the lower level items and making many currently "noob" items BIS. As long as you know what to buy and hold on to, you'll make an EPIC TON OF GOLD come cata with very little investment.

Without further ado, this is what you need to get your hands on:

Razor's Edge (currently very inexpensive)
Darkweave Breeches (not best profit margin, but buy if you see cheap)
Gloves of the Fang
Feet of the Lynx (everyone is going to want these)
Bronze Band of Force (crafted, but will likely be bis for a couple classes)
Mindthrust Bracers

Enduring Cap (this will also 100x in value)
Silver-Lined Belt (currently incredibly inexpensive will be bis)
Glowing Magical Bracelets
Resilient Cap (currently worth nothing, will be amazing for a TON of classes)
Shadow Hood (craftable, but about to become awesome for fc twinks)
Resilient Robe (currently worthless green, about to get huge boost)
Magician's Mantle
Tribal Worg Helm (this will 100x in value)
Forest Tracker Epaulets (already expensive, so not best profit margin, but buy if cheap)
Claw of the Shadowmancer (rogues are about to get shadowstep, so expect a lot of dagger rogues. This will be better than torturing poker come cata, since the poker is getting the nerf shaft)

Not too sure about the 39 & 49 changes just yet, but I'll look into it, and I'll be updating this thread any time I see new gold opportunities in the twinking market, or further changes to items pertinent to twinking.

Hope you enjoyed the guide, and happy gold making

Disclaimer: Much like most cataclysm threads this is subject to change, since everything isnt out yet to view. Regardless, of whether or not all these items will be best in slot for twinks, many of them will, and all of these will definitely be getting better.

Taken from Kazin420 @ mmowned.



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