Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mount Speed Changes in 4.0.1 Cataclysm Changes

New blue post about Mount speed changes in it's current state.

To clarify my original post, when I said no changes were being made to mounts in 4.0.1, I was referring to the idea of mounts being removed or droprates changed. No mounts have been removed as of yet, nor have any droprates been altered.

With that said, 310% speed is now solely obtained by purchasing the skill. All mounts now go the speed of your highest skill level. So if you happen to obtain Invincible now and have nothing higher than Expert riding, you will travel 150% speed. If you have Artisan riding the mount will be 280%. In order for the mount to travel 310% speed for anyone who obtains it after 4.0.1, you will need to purchase the new Master riding skill. Anyone who had a 310% mount prior to patch 4.0.1 automatically learned Master riding.

[...] There are no 310% mounts anymore. 310% speed is now obtained via Master riding, a new flying skill. All flying mounts are now only distinguished by aesthetics.



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